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 Moon Hoax Believers

Some are totally convinced NASA staged all the Moon landings and pulled the biggest hoax in history. They are convinced that hoax investigators like Bart Sibrel and Bill Kaysing are totally right: there's ample proof to support the theory that men never went to the Moon.

Watch a TV program in which some of the evidence supporting the conspiracy theory is explained and find information about:
  1. Area 51
  2. The noise of the rocket engine
  3. The LEM
  4. Footprints and blast craters
  5. Gravity
  6. The flag fluttering
  7. Photos
  8. Lighting
  9. The backgrounds of some photos
  10. The crosshairs
  11. The untimely deaths of several people involved in the Apollo project
  12. Radiation
Video from Fox news

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