One small step for a man ...
On July 20th 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, and Mission Commander Neil Alden Armstrong became the first human to set foot on its surface, followed shortly afterwards by Buzz Aldrin, while Michael Collins remained in orbit in the Command Module.
Today, thanks to Google Moon and NASA, we have the opportunity to watch a tour of the landing area and hear first hand from the very same Buzz Aldrin; what he felt and thought on that day 40 years ago as he was walking on the Moon Watch the video and then do the multiple choice exercise.
The most difficult part of the mission was ...
? leaving the Earth's orbit
? landing on the Moon
? communicating with Earth
During the landing ...
? there were numerous unexpected problems
? everything went according to plan
? the onboard computer broke down
Armstrong took partial control from the computer to
? avoid a collision with some boulders
? adjust the flight path
? land on an 80-foot crater
Armstrong left the Eagle and stepped on The Moon's surface almost ...
? immediately after landing
? seven hours after landing
? six hours after landing
Buzz Aldrin says that he felt disoriented because
? of the Moon's 1/ 6 gravity
? the horizon was very near
? the landscape was so desolate
Aldrin says that from the Moon's surface he could see
? the stars
? the Earth
? so many stars and planets it was difficult to distinguish the Earth
Running and jumping in the Moon's 1/ 6 gravity was ...
? fun but very tiring
? not as much fun as it seems
? fun and easy
His strongest memories of those hours on the Moon's surface are of worrying because
? they were further away than anyone had ever been
? so many people were following everything they did so closely
? they might not be able to carry out all the scheduled experiments
The two astronauts left behind a small packet containing ...
? a memorial to the crew of Apollo1, who died on their way to the Moon
? a seismometer to detect earthquakes
? a small gold pin
If the Eagle's engine failed at lift off...
? they still could have used a spare engine
? they would have died on The Moon
? Collins would have rescued them in the Columbia